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LSI Lighting Segment President Resigns

LSI Lighting Segment President Resigns

CINCINNATI—LSI Industries Inc. is searching for new leadership as Shawn Toney, President of the Lighting Segment, has announced his resignation.

“On behalf of the entire LSI team, I would like to thank Shawn Toney for the many contributions that he has made to LSI’s Lighting Segment during his eight years with the Company,” Dennis W. Wells, Chief Executive Officer and President commented. “Particularly during the past few years, Shawn has made significant contributions toward LSI’s progress in the Lighting Segment, including successfully leading the implementation of lean initiatives and systems enhancements; guiding new product development; and ramping up our sales and marketing campaigns. We wish Shawn well in his new endeavors and thank him for his years of service to LSI.”

Toney will stay on board through mid-September to facilitate a seamless transition.

Toney commented, “My decision to resign is personal.  I have enjoyed working at LSI for the past eight years and will miss my daily interactions with customers and fellow employees. I have experienced a lot of change at LSI during my tenure, and believe that the current management team has well-positioned the Company to take advantage of the dynamic shifts taking place in the lighting industry. I am confident, as I make this decision, that I am leaving the company and our customers in good hands.”

Wells went on to comment, “A search for new leadership is underway, and we have already begun to receive interest from a number of qualified candidates.”



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