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LEDVANCE Announces Layoffs

LEDVANCE Announces Layoffs

Glen Gracia, Head of Media Relations, Americas, LEDVANCE, sent the following email notification to Scott Costa, Publisher, tED magazine:

Given the lighting market’s transformation from traditional to LED, LEDVANCE has examined its internal structures more closely. As a result, the company has let go of approximately 90 of its ~1500 staff in the U.S.

The layoff has affected primarily central functions at LEDVANCE’s headquarters in Wilmington, Massachusetts.  

We appreciate the valuable contributions our impacted employees have made to the lighting industry and our customers, and are doing what we can to support them. This has been a difficult decision, but necessary for our future success.

Looking ahead, our company strategy remains unchanged and we will continue to provide world-class products and services to our customers. We remain dedicated to strengthening our LED business with new and innovative products, while remaining strong in traditional lighting despite a declining market. We are confident that our streamlined processes and more agile approach, together with our deep heritage and expertise, will drive our business forward.

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