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Nora Lighting’s Nelson Brown Retires

Nora Lighting’s Nelson Brown Retires
Shown at the Nora Lighting retirement party for Nelson Brown are (left to right): Chris Johnston, Nora national sales manager; Jilla Farzan, Nora executive vice president; Nelson Brown; and Fred Farzan, Nora president and CEO.

COMMERCE, Calif. — Nelson Brown, Nora Lighting’s northeastern commercial sales manager for more than 10 years, recently retired, announced Fred Farzan, Nora Lighting president and CEO.

A retirement party was held for Brown at Nora’s corporate headquarters in Commerce, Calif., where he was presented with a comic “gold watch” and generous travel voucher.

Brown worked in the lighting industry for more than 40 years as a sales representative and field engineer. At Nora, he managed commercial sales throughout the northeastern U.S. and eastern Canada, in addition to Washington, D.C. and major midwestern cities, including Chicago and Minneapolis.

“Nora was extremely fortunate to have Nelson on our team,” said Farzan. “He is a top tier professional, well-respected in the industry and genuinely liked by everyone at Nora who worked with him.

“His roots in the industry go deep. Whenever we walked a trade show with Nelson, scores of people would come up to say hello. It took a long time to travel down any aisle,” said Farzan.

“Nelson grew our business substantially in the northeast and always had a positive attitude. All of us in the Nora family wish him the very best and good health in his retirement,” added Farzan.

Brown says he never really thought about his career as work.

“I had a lot of fun helping people solve lighting challenges and introducing them to new technologies. Those forty years flew by.”

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