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IES Announces Election Slate for Board of Directors

At the 2019 Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) Annual Conference, the Nominating Committee convened to perform the process of identifying the slate of Board of Director candidates that will appear on the ballot at the next Annual Membership Meeting.

The Nominating Committee interviewed candidates for the Vice President, Treasurer, and three At-Large Director positions. The IES has a clear strategic vision, as well as a set of criteria and desired competencies it requires from its Board Members. The Nominating Committee’s goal is to provide the link between these two, evaluate each candidate based on the roles, responsibilities, and skillset necessary for each position, and identify leaders that embody the necessary characteristics to allow us to execute on our strategy.

The Nominating Committee voted to present the following individuals for approval on the next ballot:

  • At-Large Director: Jorge Lujan, CDM2 Lightworks (new candidate)
  • At-Large Director: Ira Rothman, Apex Lighting Solutions (new candidate)
  • At-Large Director: Kelly Seeger, Signify (new candidate)
  • Treasurer: James Potts, Eaton Lighting (new candidate)
  • Vice President (President-Elect): Susanne Seitinger, Verizon

There were also two Regional Director positions that required nomination from their Regions. The Regional Nominating Committee (RNC) in both the South and West Region convened, each chaired by one of their respective District Chairs, to identify who will be put forward as Regional Director for each Region. The RNC includes the President and Secretary of each Section within its respective Districts, or designated alternate delegates from Section Boards of Managers, and the respective District Chairs and Vice-Chairs. These Regional Nominating Committees present the following individuals for approval from their regional members on the next ballot:

  • South Regional Director: Billy Tubb, Theatre Systems and Lighting Consultation (renewed for a second term)
  • West Regional Director: Mindy Iannello, Performance Lighting Systems (new candidate)

On March 1, 2020, all voting members of the Society will receive an electronic ballot to cast votes with regards to the slate of candidates outlined above for their respective roles. Questions should be directed to Tim Licitra, IES Executive Director, at

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