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Signify CFO to Step Down

Signify CFO to Step Down

EINDHOVEN, the Netherlands — Signify proposes the following re-appointments and announces the following changes to its Board of Management.


The Supervisory Board proposes to re-appoint Eric Rondolat as CEO and Chairman of the Board of Management for another four years and René van Schooten as a member of the Board of Management for another year.

“The Supervisory Board is very pleased that Eric Rondolat remains available for another four years. We are happy that we can continue to count on his dedication and leadership, and recommend his re-appointment as he is of crucial importance to Signify’s journey in the transformation of the lighting industry.” — Arthur van der Poel, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Signify

Eric Rondolat and René van Schooten have been in their respective roles since the company’s listing on the Euronext Amsterdam stock exchange in May 2016.

New appointment

The Supervisory Board proposes to appoint Maria Letizia Mariani as a member of the Board of Management for a period of four years. Maria Letizia Mariani joined the company nine years ago and headed Signify’s Market Group Europe before taking her current role as Chief Marketing Officer and Head of Strategy.

All (re-)appointments are subject to approval at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to be held on May 19, 2020.

CFO transition

Stéphane Rougeot, who joined Signify in September 2016, announced his decision to leave for personal reasons. René van Schooten will take over the responsibility as CFO as of March 1, 2020 to ensure a smooth transition until a new CFO has been appointed.

“I am happy that Maria Letizia has been proposed as a member of the Board of Management where she will bring extensive business and commercial experience. I personally thank Stéphane for having been such a strong partner and for being instrumental in driving the many improvements at Signify over the past 3.5 years. I’m very pleased that René, who knows Signify very well and served in this capacity during the IPO, takes over the CFO role.” — Eric Rondolat, CEO of Signify

“I have been very fortunate to join Signify at a crucial moment in its longstanding history and to contribute to establishing a strong standalone company. I am confident in the company’s strategy, capabilities and leadership and I firmly believe Signify will continue to lead the transformation of the lighting industry. I want to express my sincere thanks to the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board for their support in this very valuable experience.” — Stéphane Rougeot

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