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The DLC Addresses Cybersecurity

The DLC presents an upcoming webinar, titled What’s next for cybersecurity at the DLC?

Read below for more information:

It seems we hear about a new cyberattack in the news almost every day.  As networked lighting becomes more intelligent it also becomes more susceptible to hackers. Ensuring you have the right cybersecurity practices in place is more important than ever. The DLC invites you to join our upcoming webinar, What’s next for cybersecurity at the DLC?, on Tuesday, July 20th at 1pm EST.

Register Here

Download DLC Cybersecurity Overview

The webinar will be broken in to two parts. The first hour will be an overview of the current status of cybersecurity in networked lighting controls at the DLC. The second half, lasting up to an hour, will give attendees a chance to participate in a lively discussion and polls, where we will explore possibilities for future developments. Download the DLC Cybersecurity Overview to familiarize yourself with current standards and services recognized by DLC.

In this webinar, you will:

  • Understand DLC timeline for cybersecurity certification and ways to qualify
  • Learn how the various DLC referenced cybersecurity certifications serve customer and building needs
  • Register your opinion whether DLC cybersecurity policy should be modified in any way
  • Participate in future development discussions around DLC’s cybersecurity policy


If you have any questions about the webinar, please email

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