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IES Announces Awards for Technical and Service Achievement

This week, the Illuminating Engineering Society announced its 2022 Society Awards for Technical and Service Achievement. These members are recognized for their achievements in lighting and contributions to the IES.

This year, the IES’s most prestigious technical achievement, the IES Medal Award, has been bestowed upon Dr. George “Bud” Brainard of the IES Philadelphia Section. The Medal Award recognizes meritorious technical achievement that has conspicuously furthered the profession, art or knowledge of illuminating engineering.

The esteemed Louis B. Marks Award, named in honor of the first President of the IES, is presented to a member of the Society in recognition of exceptional service of a non-technical nature. This year, the IES recognized Kimberly R. Mercier of the IES Buffalo Section with this honor.

The IES Distinguished Service Award is presented to individuals who have significantly furthered the mission of the IES in non-technical areas, with at least 15 years of dedicated service. The 2022 recipients of this honor include Robert Cilic (Boston Section), Michelle Prew (Detroit Section), Mark Roush (San Antonio Section), Lisa Reed (St. Louis Section) and Ardra Zinkon (Columbus Section).

The IES Fellow Designation awards members of the Society for their valuable contributions to the technical activities of the Society; to the art or science of illumination; or to the related scientific or engineering fields. The 2022 IES Fellows include: Cameron Miller (District of Columbia Section) and Erik Page (San Francisco Section).

Each year, the IES President recognizes member excellence with the IES Presidential Award. IES President Susanne Seitinger, PhD (2021-2022) recognized Cheryl English (Atlanta Section), Antonio Garza (Monterrey Section), Rita Harrold (Edison Section), Peter Hugh (Chicago Section), and Kathie Leslie (Allentown Section).

IES members make the work of the Society possible. Your knowledge and dedication to the lighting industry are invaluable and impact to every committee, event, educational opportunity and standard. And your financial contributions allow the Society to allocate resources towards specific goals and objectives tied to our strategic plan and mission.


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