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Legrand Doubles Energy Consumption Goal

Legrand Doubles Energy Consumption Goal

LIMOGES, France — Legrand is actively contributing to the global effort to reduce energy consumption by accelerating its commitments to reduce its carbon footprint and by offering its customers the possibility, via a wide range of products and solutions, to better control their energy consumption.

Double its own consumption reduction target

While the Group’s CSR roadmap calls for an 8% reduction in its own energy consumption between 2021 and 2023, this objective has now been doubled to reach a 15% reduction, with the main levers being the modernization of lighting systems, the regulation of heating, the simplification of eco-actions for its employees, and the acceleration of initiatives in terms of insulating buildings and deploying renewable energy production on its sites.

Enable individuals and businesses to better control their energy consumption

For its customers, the Group offers a variety of solutions enabling them to automate their eco-actions (e.g. monitoring and thereby better managing their consumption by controlling their temperature, lighting, etc.) and thus to quickly, easily and significantly reduce the consumption of commercial, industrial and residential buildings.
In the same spirit, Legrand is a partner in France of the Ecowatt initiative, which aims to encourage individuals, businesses and local authorities to adapt their electricity consumption and limit it during energy peaks by adopting a more frugal approach.

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