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2024 30 Under 35 Profile: Robert Domlewski

Robert Domlewski, 35
Vice President of Operations
Casey Electric Sales

Robert began his career at Garvin Industries in February 2015 (Garvin was acquired by Southwire Company in 2018) and, for the past three years, has served as the vice president of operations at Casey Electric Sales.

“After a successful five-year run in the private security sector, I sought a complete change of scenery, pace, and lifestyle,” recalled Robert. “My research into thriving industries in the Chicagoland area led me to the electrical industry. The stark contrast between the industries and the vast scale of the electrical sector, particularly in Chicago, intrigued me. Remarkably, there was even a distributor within walking distance of my home of 15 years!”

Robert connected with a recruiter who introduced him to Garvin Industries. “That was a pivotal moment in my career transition,” he said. “What initially attracted me was the sheer magnitude of the electrical industry and its critical role in our daily lives. The industry’s constant evolution, growth, and technological advancements continue to captivate me. Moreover, the universal necessity of electricity underscores its enduring relevance and appeal.”

Asked about a challenge the industry is currently facing, Robert pointed to how the rapid pace of technological advancements necessitates a workforce with specialized skills and knowledge. “The shortage of younger talent engaged in the industry is also crucial,” he added. “At Casey Electric Sales, we collaborate closely with the manufacturers we represent to stay informed on industry trends. Additionally, our staff participates in training programs offered by NEMRA to ensure we remain at the forefront of industry developments.”

Looking ahead, “Personal development, certifications, innovation, and executive growth are just some of my career goals,” said Robert. “Continuing to develop myself as a better person, leader, mentor, and employee should be a top priority for any person in an executive role. There are countless industry and professional certifications available to advance your knowledge in your position and allow room for future growth within a company. Lastly, keep up with innovation; leveraging emerging technologies is part of an organizational goal that should not be brushed off.”

What would he tell someone just entering the industry? “The electrical industry is constantly evolving, and the need for a skilled workforce will never end. We’ve been essential through the pandemic, and the industry is growing strong,” said Robert. “Learn the various aspects of the industry and get familiar with the various roles people have within your organization. It will benefit you in the later years of your career.”

When he’s not working, Robert enjoys cooking, baking, grilling, watch collecting, cars, traveling, and spending time with family.


Each year tED magazine recognizes 30 of the industry’s best and brightest under the age of 35. Please visit tedmag.com/30Under35 for nomination information and updates about the 2025 program. Questions can be sent to tED Editor Misty Byers at mbyers@naed.org.


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