
Smart grid do over: Would you go about it the same way?

By Jesse Berst

Earlier this month we told you about Peco Energy putting smart meter deployments on hold while it investigates why 15 meters overheated, including one that caused a house fire in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

And a recent Associated Press story on smart meters stirring a rowdy debate in Texas reminds us of the report we carried on a Texas woman pulling a gun to stop a smart meter installation.

Numerous reports have surfaced in recent years about smart meters causing cancer and other illnesses. We told you this spring about homeowners in Australia using electromagnetic shielding paint to keep death rays out. And about smart meter conspiracy theories circulating in Nevada.

So now we have smart meter opt-out plans popping up coast to coast.

Which leads to the latest Tuesday Topic over in our discussion forum: If you could turn back the clock and rethink the whole smart grid rollout, would you do it differently? Would smart meters be at the forefront? If not, what would be? Feel free to suggest better customer approaches; better technology approaches; better people and process approaches; or all of the above.

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