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California Energy Alliance Launches New Website and Membership Drive

DAVIS, Calif. January 10, 2017—The California Energy Alliance (CEA), a member-based organization committed to smart, sustainable energy use within the built environment, has launched its inaugural website and 2018 Membership Drive. Founded in late 2016 by a coalition of representatives from all sectors of the buildings industries, CEA participates in the development and implementation of pragmatic, environmentally and economically sound building energy standards and other initiatives.

“We are proud to launch this website and the CEA,” note Doug Avery and John Martin, CEA Co-Chairs and energy efficiency industry veterans. “In the year since our broad coalition of over thirty organizations has been working, we have cultivated relationships with industry stakeholders and the California Energy Commission to effect positive energy evolution within the state. One such collaboration is our recent proposal for simplified lighting and lighting control requirements for California’s 2019 Title 24 requirements. Early indications are that our proposals will be incorporated in draft 2019 Title 24 language to be issued by the Energy Commission.”

The CEA meets regularly to explore topics related to energy use, building energy standards and related initiatives that will assist California in improving its energy landscape and catalyzing its migration toward a Zero Net Energy future.

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