
Graybar Presents Panduit with Supplier Excellence Award

ST. LOUIS – Graybar recently presented Panduit with the Graybar Supplier Excellence Award at Graybar’s National Training Conference in Orlando last week.

The Graybar Supplier Excellence Award is presented semi-annually to recognize a product manufacturer that has collaborated with Graybar in an exceptional manner to successfully grow profitable business together.

“We congratulate Panduit on receiving the Graybar Supplier Excellence Award,” said Kathleen M. Mazzarella, Graybar chairman, president and chief executive officer. “Panduit is known for providing a high level of local support and proactive engagement across Graybar. We appreciate and admire Panduit’s strong product line and innovative solutions that help us work to the advantage of our mutual customers.”

“Panduit has been fortunate to have this long-term relationship with Graybar. Their success over the years has helped fuel Panduit’s success,” said Tom Donovan, president and chief operating officer of Panduit. “The fundamental strength of the Graybar / Panduit relationship continues to be around our shared core values of integrity, people, and long-term vision. Panduit thanks Graybar for our past accomplishments and looks forward to continued success.”


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