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IES Announces Area And Street Lighting Conference

IES Announces Area And Street Lighting Conference

The Illuminating Engineering Society is announcing this year’s Street and Area Lighting Conference will be October 10-12 in Dallas, Texas.

The IES website says the in-person event will be “packed with training courses, sessions, networking opportunities and an exhibit hall – all specific to the interests and challenges of outdoor lighting professionals.”

Education sessions include outdoor lighting applications, design, and controls, along with sessions often talked about by the Get A Grip On Lighting podcasts focusing on Dark Skies and correct outdoor lighting on tED magazine’s “lightED” website.. Those sessions at the IES event include LED to LED Conversion, Lighting and Un-Lighting Outdoor Spaces, Balancing the Positive and Negative Effects of Roadway Lighting, and Where Street Lighting Is Needed, But Not Required.

Early bird full conference registration rates are $995 for IES members and $1,225 for non-members. The early bird rate expires on August 26. There are sessions that require payment to attend.

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