
K/E Electric Celebrates 60th Anniversary

K/E Electric Celebrates 60th Anniversary

MT. CLEMENS, Mich. — On September 24th, K/E Electric Supply celebrated its 60th anniversary as a company, proudly doing business and servicing the residents of Michigan. K/E Electric has been a long-standing staple of the community, providing reliable electrical products for the commercial and industrial electrical industry. In order to recognize and honor this key milestone, K/E Electric decided to celebrate its achievement by holding an extravagant party with family, friends, and business partners.

That Saturday, K/E Electric held a spectacular 60th-anniversary celebration. The company was sure to celebrate this major milestone by throwing a truly unforgettable party, filled with all the treats and amenities one can expect from K/E Electric. The party was held in downtown Detroit at The Icon: Atrium Riverfront Garden, a beautiful riverfront building at the edge of the city overlooking the Detroit River. The night of glamour officially kicked off at 6 PM Saturday evening, when over 400 family members, friends, vendors, and guests filed into The Icon for a night of festivity. Soon enough, the front atrium began to fill with stunningly dressed friends and business partners. As the guests slowly made their arrival, trays passed champagne and finger foods began to make their way around the atrium floor. This was a true indication that the night was surely going to be filled with extravagant allure and comforts.

Once their guests arrived and had time to settle in and enjoy themselves, the party slowly transitioned towards the Garden Atrium for dinner and a ceremony. At 7 PM K/E Electric proudly showcased a brief presentation regarding the company’s 60-year history and how it came to be a significant part of the community. K/E Electric also took the time to graciously recognize employees and vendors that they so proudly worked with through the years. Around 7:30 PM, Forte Belanger Catering presented a delicious gourmet meal to their guests. The dinner had a wide array of dishes and a variety of courses that were an absolute delight to the taste buds. As guests dined, they were able to enjoy their meal alongside a live band as splendid jazz music filled the room.

The K/E Electric anniversary celebration didn’t stop there though! After guests were presented an astounding meal, K/E Electric continued the celebration with a spectacular display of grit and firepower with a fireworks demonstration. From 8:30PM-9:00 PM, the riverfront and Detroit skyline lit up the night sky with a spectacular light show display. Continuing on with the night of exciting entertainment, from 9:30 PM-12 AM, the electric-pop orchestra group Nu Classica played and put on an amazing show of skill and talent. The string orchestra group has a robust reputation for amazing violin and cello performances. The group is known for covering a variety of famous songs and top radio hits through well-orchestrated performances using only string-operated instruments. Needless to say, the group lived up to its reputation and delivered an amazing show that had plenty of guests in awe by the end of its performance.

Nu Classica continued to play into the night, and by 10 PM a variety of gourmet dessert dishes began to make their way around the room. The desserts were brought out and served on elegant silverware trays to their guests. The assortment of desserts was vast and divine, easily putting a smile on the face of anyone who tasted them. It was a perfect assortment of desserts to help cap off a perfect meal. With midnight approaching and the night beginning to wind down, a variety of snacks was also brought out to further satisfy and indulge guests. One thing was for sure, guests would be going to bed satisfied with a full belly and a head of happy thoughts.

As midnight approached, the time for the party to end was near. K/E Electric made sure to take this time to thank its guests for coming out to celebrate the significant milestone. A reflection of how successful the past 60 years have gone was topped off with a remarkable party with close friends and business partners. A small company with humble beginnings and big dreams transformed into a major distributor. The company ended up turning into a major player and key partner in the commercial and industrial electrical industry. K/E Electric Supply looks forward to another 60 years of business providing quality and reliable commercial and industrial electrical products for the state of Michigan. One thing is for certain — K/E Electric is committed to making the next 60 years of business even better than the last, one where its legacy will be felt by the community forever.

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