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LRC Follow-Up Survey on Health Post-Lockdown

LRC Follow-Up Survey on Health Post-Lockdown

The Lighting Research Center has released a follow-up survey titled “Light Exposures and Impacts on Health Post-Lockdown.” See more info about the survey below:


The Lighting Research Center (LRC) is working to understand how daily light exposures have changed for individuals who have at least partly returned to work after being confined to their homes due to the coronavirus pandemic, and how this may be affecting sleep quality and psychological health. Whether you are still working from home, or have at least partially returned to work, we invite you to complete a short survey (approx. 10 minutes in length) to tell us about how you’ve been living, sleeping, and feeling during this time.

NO personal identifying information, including your name, email address, IP address, etc. will be collected for the survey. If at any point while working on the survey you decide you do not wish to finish, you may exit out and none of your response data will be collected.

With your response to this survey, we hope to better understand the role of light exposures on individual health and wellness during this especially challenging time.


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