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LRC Recruiting for Paid Study on the Effects of Light at Night

LRC Recruiting for Paid Study on the Effects of Light at Night

The Lighting Research Center (LRC) is recruiting participants over the age of 18 for a new study investigating the effects of light on melatonin levels. The study will take place on four consecutive Fridays: September 13,  20, 27 and October 4. Participants need to attend all four scheduled sessions, unless withdrawing from the experiment.

In order to be eligible for the study, participants need to regularly have bedtimes no later than 11:30 pm and wake up no later than 8:00 am. Participants will be asked to keep this regular schedule all weeks of the study. Participants will be asked to wear an actigraph and keep a sleep log all 4 weeks of the study.

Participants arrive at the LRC at 11:20 pm each Friday night. Starting at midnight, participants sit in front of a light box for 1 hour using a chin rest. Participants will also be asked to collect 3 saliva samples during this time. Participants experience three lighting conditions, and a dark condition (no light exposure).

Exclusions: You cannot participate in the experiment if you have major health problems, are colorblind, take prescription medication (except birth control pills), or are traveling more than one time zone the month before or during the weeks of the experiment.

Participants will be paid $70 for each session — a total of $280 for completing all four scheduled sessions. Payment will be processed by Rensselaer after completion of each session. If you are interested in participating, please contact Barbara Plitnick at for more information.

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