Building on the success and reaction to the February #tEDChat on the need for e-commerce, tED magazine has decided to continue the conversation. On Wednesday, March 11 at 1pm Central Time, tED magazine will host a follow-up #tEDChat titled, “What are the must-haves for your e-commerce strategy?”
To participate, you need to go to, and you can follow along by searching #tEDChat. Also, if you have questions or responses, make sure you use the #tEDChat so everyone can see what you are posting.
tED magazine has lined up experts in e-commerce to help answer questions and provide information you need to move your company’s online presence forward. The conversation will focus on starting an e-commerce strategy, maintaining an e-commerce site and ways to get your customers to follow your e-commerce strategy.
In February, our #tEDChat focused on AmazonSupply and its new strategies to take away some of the advantages of a traditional distributor. That led to a number of tweets on the #tEDChat about ways to bolster e-commerce efforts. It was also the first time the #tEDChat comments went far beyond just one hour.
This would be a great time to have an IT director, technology employees, marketing and communications members or presidents and vice-presidents of companies to join us for the #tEDChat. If you cannot be a part of it, please feel free to pass along the information to anyone you feel could benefit from it.
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