
tED Magazine Earns 11 ASBPE Awards

tED Magazine Earns 11 ASBPE Awards

The American Society of Business Publication Editors (ASBPE) handed out its Central Region awards during a ceremony in Kansas City on Thursday, June 18.

This year, tED magazine took home 11 awards for its work on tED magazine and  That included 7 gold awards, 3 silver and 1 bronze.

ASBPE describes its awards as “one of the most competitive there is for business-to-business, trade, association and professional publications. The awards recognize outstanding work by magazines, newsletters and digital media—web sites, e-newsletters, digital magazines and blogs.”

tED earned a gold award for “Overall Headline Writing” for the headlines in the January and February 2014 issues of tED magazine.  It also earned a gold award in the “Feature Article Design” category for the March 2014 “100 Pieces of Industry Advice.”   tED magazine was also nominated for a national ASBPE Award in both the “Overall Headline Writing” and “Feature Article Design” categories.  Those awards will be announced on July 24 in New York City.

tED also earned a gold award for the “Current” section of the April 2014 edition of tED magazine. This is significant because the “Current” section is where tED magazine provides its readers with the biggest news of the month.  To win for an entire news section shows tED‘s commitment to delivering relevant information to its readers every month.

Other ASBPE gold awards for tED magazine included Company Profile – Long Form for our feature on Dulles Electric in the November 2014 issue of tED, “Opening Page/Spread Illustration” for the September 2014 on “Cement Relationships by Exceeding Expectations” and “Magazine Design” for the March 2014 issue with the “Distributor Handbook and Industrial Market” cover story.

ASPBE honored tED magazine with a silver award for “Special Section: Editorial” for the “100 Pieces of Industry Advice” story in the March 2014 issue of tED magazine.

tED magazine earned a bronze award in the “Feature Article Design” category for the November 2014 story on “The Industrial Market: Bright Outlook Despite Dark Moments.”

In the website categories, took home one gold and two silver awards, including a gold award for website re-design.  The tED magazine website was rebuilt in August of 2014 and honored for the way it became more user friendly and showcases the stories that are exclusive to

The website also won silver awards in two critical categories, “Impact/Investigative” and “Original Web Commentary.”  

The 11 awards is by far the most earned by one publication in the Central Region.  Award winners for tED magazine are Misty Byers, Editor, tED magazine, Karen Linehan, Production Editor, tED magazine, Randi Vincent, Art Director, tED magazine and Nicky Herron, Online Editor,



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