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GAO Denies Protest of Van Meter Contract In Iowa

The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) has denied a claim by LED Lighting Solutions, LLC that a lighting project at an Iowa military installation was improperly awarded to Van Meter, Inc.

LED Lighting Solutions, based in Connecticut, claimed it had submitted a lower bid for the project.

The GAO is not specify why it rejected the protest.  Here is the full decision as listed on the GAO website:

LED Lighting Solutions, LLC, of Berlin, Connecticut, protests the award of a contract to Van Meter Industrial, Inc., of Des Moines, Iowa, under request for quotations (RFQ) No. W912LP-18-P-8011, issued by the Department of the Army, Iowa Air National Guard, to procure light-emitting diode (LED) lights for the munitions storage area of the Iowa Air National Guard Base in Des Moines, Iowa. The protester argues that it should have received award because it submitted a lower-priced quotation than the awardee and its quoted product exceeded the solicitation’s brand name or equal specifications.

We deny the protest.

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