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LIGHTFAIR to Continue After Recently Announced Merger

LIGHTFAIR to Continue After Recently Announced Merger

tED magazine received the following letter from Robert Maricich, Chairman and CEO of International Market Centers:


Dear Scott,

I am pleased to announce that LIGHTFAIR International will continue its management agreement with International Market Centers as a result of the recent completed merger with AmericasMart Atlanta.

We are thrilled to work with our new partners at IALD and IES to continue to deliver the most compelling and innovative business platform for the architectural and commercial lighting industry. Under the direction and stewardship of these partners, LIGHTFAIR has grown into the global leader for education and product innovation for this industry, and we are dedicated to supporting them to maintain this leadership position. The LIGHTFAIR management team will remain in place, so your key contacts for the show have not changed.

As you are aware, the team recently produced the most successful show in its 29-year history. Registration for the 2018 show topped more than 28,000, with registrants representing 85 countries. The LFI conference curriculum offered 150 hours of education and 73 courses taught by 121 industry experts. Additionally, the show featured 600 exhibitors, including 66 first-time companies and 136 manufacturers headquartered outside of the United States — impressive numbers on all metrics.

We look forward to continuing this growth trajectory by combining the tradeshow management expertise of IMC/AMC with the talented individuals that have been instrumental in the show’s success. We’re excited and enthusiastic about what lies ahead, and we’re happy to be on this journey with all of you.


bob signature3

Robert J. Maricich | Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
International Market Centers

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