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Lutron Streamlines Business With E-Tools

COOPERSBURG, Pa. — Lutron Electronics is giving its dealers a totally revamped set of online web-based tools to manage all their key interactions and activities. From sales and marketing information to programs and promotions; from project design and order to servicing deployed projects – the myLutron platform makes it easier than ever for dealers and Lutron to do business together.

myLutron is currently built on four key pillars: myBusiness, myProjects, myOrders, and myService. It provides dealers with more timely and integrated information – bringing efficiency and effectiveness to every business and project process.

“Lutron has created a suite of e-tools that helps dealers manage their Lutron business from end-to-end; from business strategy planning to providing post-occupancy service for their deployed projects,” said Rich Black, Director of Residential Business Development at Lutron. “From one unified environment, the dealer can, for example, check near real-time sales numbers, work on a new project quote, check the status of an order, or make a timeclock adjustment to a deployed project. Bottom line, myLutron makes it easier and more profitable than ever for dealers to do business with Lutron.”

The all new “myBusiness” pillar will provide a variety of sales and marketing information through its customized homepage, including:

  • Near real-time sales performance, displayed graphically and broken down by program level, product category, and month-by-month sales
  • Project pipeline and lead tracking
  • Viewing and redemption of promotions and program benefits

In addition, myBusiness will allow dealers to submit cases to resolve more than just technical issues – to include customer service, sales ops, accounting, and credit issues.

Another element of the Community, “myServices,” will offer remote access to HomeWorks QS systems for certain troubleshooting and diagnostic activities. myServices will increase client satisfaction, reduce the need for on-site service calls, save time, increase profit, and facilitate service-based recurring revenue business.

This mobile-device friendly Community will be available for dealers in December, with the myServices functionality releasing in Q1 2019.

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