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LRC Opens Survey on Light Exposures and Health

LRC Opens Survey on Light Exposures and Health

The Lighting Research Center (LRC) is working to understand the impacts of stay-at-home orders on individual daily light exposures, and how this may be affecting sleep quality and psychological health. If you have been confined to your home for the past week or more, the LRC invites you to complete a short survey (approx. 10 minutes in length) to tell them how you’ve been living, sleeping, and feeling during this time.

The survey is available here:

NO personal identifying information, including your name, email address, IP address, etc. will be collected for the survey. If at any point while working on the survey you decide you do not wish to finish, you may exit out and none of your response data will be collected.

With your response to this survey, the LRC hopes to better understand the role of light exposures on individual health and wellness during this especially challenging time.

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