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Smart Global Holdings Releases 2021 ESG Report

MILPITAS, Calif. — SMART Global Holdings, Inc. (“SGH”) released the SGH 2021 ESG Report, the second annual record of SGH’s progress toward its environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals. The report details SGH’s ongoing efforts to deliver on the company’s global sustainability initiatives. The company’s latest commitment to reach net zero Scope 1 and Scope 2 carbon emissions by 2030 marks the next step in a sustainability journey that began with last year’s commitment to leverage renewable sources for 75% of its global energy. Next year, SGH will begin the process of validating its carbon targets through the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).

The report further details SGH’s progress toward maintaining the highest standards in product stewardship; security and data privacy; a diverse and flexible workforce; and human rights.

Over the last two years, SGH has:

  • Formed a cross-functional ESG Steering Committee
  • Introduced ESG oversight as a chartered responsibility of the Board of Directors
  • Conducted a pay parity analysis as part of our commitment to equity within our company
  • Increased executive accountability for ESG by including it as a bonus performance measure

“Last year, we focused on investing in the resources and governance initiatives necessary to achieve substantive ESG goals over the long term, while also delivering short-term results,” said Mark Adams, president and CEO of SGH. “This year, we are making additional strides, starting with our goal to achieve net zero Scope 1 and Scope 2 carbon emissions by 2030. Internally, we are fostering an equitable workplace that provides opportunities for a diverse workforce, beginning with a gender pay parity analysis that not only evaluates our current practices, but also allows us to track data year-over-year. 2021 was meaningful for ESG at SGH, but it was just the beginning.”

In 2021, SGH also undertook a concerted effort to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in its workforce. Specifically, SGH invests in recruiting programs to promote open positions with and provide mentoring programs to members of underrepresented communities. Worldwide, the company saw its percentage of women employees increase from 41% to 45% in 2021.

Throughout 2021, SGH maintained its mission to power growth and expand possibilities by continually investing in people, innovation, and new opportunities. Under the guidance of its board of directors and executive leadership team, the company reaffirms its commitment to a sustainable and ethical future.

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