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NLB Presents John Bachner Presidential Award

NLB Presents John Bachner Presidential Award

BRENTWOOD, Tenn. – At the Board of Directors’ meeting of the National Lighting Bureau last week, Chairperson Mary Beth Gotti presented the John Bachner Presidential Award to Terry McGowan.

The award, named after the first executive director of the organization, is presented to a member at the discretion of the current chairperson in recognition of the recipient’s outstanding service to the bureau during the chairperson’s term.

Gotti stated, “Terry is being recognized for his hours of dedicated ‘above and beyond’ support of NLB initiatives. Through his expertise and years of experience in the lighting industry, he provides invaluable direction, clarity and credibility to these programs.”

McGowan, recipient of many other lighting industry awards, represents the International Dark Sky Association (IDA).

At the same meeting, the current board members were installed for another term.

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