
NorthEast Electrical Distributors Announce Project Green Lights 2016 Winner

NorthEast Electrical Distributors Announce Project Green Lights 2016 Winner

Boston, MA—Biddeford Primary School, located in Biddeford, ME, has been selected as the grand prize winning school in the NorthEast Electrical DistributorsProject Green Lights 2016” essay submission contest. NorthEast Electrical Distributors and Sylvania will provide a Lighting Energy Audit that will recommend an appropriate energy savings solution, including lamps and ballasts. Following completion of the audit, the school will be provided with an energy efficient lighting system which will achieve the maximum energy savings impact, up to a $50,000 value, including equipment and installation costs. The lighting system will be provided by NorthEast Electrical Distributors and Sylvania.

“We were ecstatic to learn Biddeford Primary School was named the $50,000 winner of the NorthEast Electrical Distributors Project Green Lights grant,” stated Superintendent Jeremy Ray. “Throughout the District we value green initiatives and teaching the importance of using resources wisely. We have mandatory recycling, we compost in most grades and we follow green cleaning practices. This grant will allow us to take the next step of energy reduction through LED lighting, both inside and outside, and is a gift that keeps on giving. It was an easy application process, and I would encourage other school districts to consider applying in the future.”

Frank Marandino, President NorthEast Electrical Distributors adds, “We would like to congratulate Biddeford Primary School for being selected as the winning entry of our project Green Lights Program for 2016. NorthEast Electrical Distributors’ Associates are very happy to contribute to the upgrade of energy efficient lighting and extending the green value initiatives of the more than 200 plus students and staff. It is our hope that this lighting upgrade enhances the classroom learning experience along with providing savings to the school on their energy consumption. Thank you to all of the representative New England states who submitted entries to Project Green Lights.”


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