
Bulbrite Relaunches Lightopedia.Com To Educate Consumers On Bulb Options

MOONACHIE, NJ – Bulbrite’s one-stop source for lighting legislation and education needs, has undergone a facelift to help consumers navigate current lighting standards and the wide breadth of new energy efficient light bulb options.  Bulbrite is a leading supplier and educator of innovative, energy-efficient light source solutions.

In 2007, Congress passed the Energy Independence & Security Act mandating a 30% efficiency increase for general service light bulbs.  Phase outs of inefficient incandescent bulbs started in 2012 and in just a few months, the final phase will affect the availability traditional 40W and 60W bulbs.

With the final phase out of EISA scheduled for this January 2014, Bulbrite’s educational resource will serve as a tool for many lighting professionals to educate confused consumers on energy efficient alternatives.  The new and improved offers consumers an easy to understand side-by-side comparison chart which highlights the benefits of each available energy efficient option.  New website features also include tips on selecting replacement options and a guide on how to read the new Lighting Facts labels.  Once a user has the information they need to make an energy efficient choice, they can use Lightopedia’s dealer locator to find one of Bulbrite’s North American retailers or online distributors.

 “Lighting professionals should be encouraged to utilize the final phase out as an opportunity to educate consumers on the variety of energy efficient lighting alternatives available today.  The new legislation caused a shift in lighting options but what’s important to remember is that it did not reduce your choices.  Now you can choose from EcoHalogen, CFL or LED options,” says Martha Delgado, Product Marketing Manager at Bulbrite.

To learn more about EISA, energy efficient bulbs and where to buy EISA compliant bulbs, visit

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