The American Lighting Association (ALA) sent out a letter to members announcing the upcoming retirement of President Larry Lauck at the end of February. A new search to fill that role is underway.
Dear ALA Members,
Change is in the air within our organization.
We have been working hard to “Reimagine ALA” and strengthen our organization through increased membership engagement, enhanced education programs, updated marketing programs to increase consumer awareness for our products and companies, continual engagement on governmental affairs as well as representing our industry with engineering & legal changes affecting our products and businesses.
An important part of our efforts was strengthening our internal ALA team. In the past two years under the leadership of Larry Lauck, we reorganized our team attracting new talent, set clear roles for existing personnel while rightsizing the organizational structure.
Larry Lauck has now announced his retirement at the end of next month. We appreciate all that Larry has done leading our organization during his tenure. He was instrumental in guiding ALA during this period of meaningful change. It would be remiss to leave out his long-time role as VP of Marketing.
“I will always cherish the many friendships that I have developed over the last 30 years while serving the members of ALA,” Larry said in his retirement announcement. “I am fully confident that the strategic changes that we made the past two years to reimagine ALA will serve as the foundation for a stronger association in the coming years. I have the utmost confidence in the ALA staff and the ALA Board of Governors to see these changes through.”
With Larry’s impending retirement, the Board of Governors will begin the search for a new leader to meet the evolving needs of the organization and our vision for the next chapter.
In the interim, Laurie Gross, past ALA BOG member and Chair, will serve as President of our organization until a new President/CEO is hired. Laurie is a long-time veteran in the lighting industry and was instrumental in supporting Larry over the last two years. She will ensure the team continues to build upon the momentum achieved by Larry and our ALA team. She has served in a multitude of ALA leadership positions as well as running her own company Gross Electric.
We are in the process of finalizing our Nominating Committee and will keep you updated as we progress. The ALA Search Committee will operate under the guidance of the ALA Board of Governors and Executive Committee.
Finally, we wish Larry much happiness in his next chapter. He plans some European travel as well as spending more time with his family.
ALA Board of Governors
tED magazine will keep you posted on any new announcements as we hear of them.
Tagged with ALA, American Lighting Association