Meet the 30 Under 35 With Taylor Kuczek and Calvin Flederbach

2024 Best of the Best Winners: Digital/Social Media

DistributED: An Economic Update With Brian Rooney

2024 30 Under 35 Profile: Maddie Everhardt

Live blog from NAED’s 2013 South Central Region Conference

Streaming video by Ustream[View the story ” Live blog from NAED’s South Central Region Conference” on Storify]

5 places to find capital need to grow your distributorship

By Bridget McCrea As the national economy continues its slow, lumbering trek to financial recovery, a number of companies are beginning to shake off the dust that gathered over the…

How to squeeze more sales out of existing customers

By Bridget McCrea Regular customers are extremely valuable and not always easy to come by in today’s business environment. The last thing an electrical distributor wants to do is isolate…

Plan today for tomorrow’s disruption

By James A. Cooke Does your electrical distributorship have a plan to deal with supply chain disruptions? With today’s news dominated by talk of extreme weather and global political unrest,…

Older, wiser and quite possibly, right for your company

By Carolyn Heinze The French have a saying about wine. (Unsurprisingly, the French have many sayings about wine.) “He’s added water to his wine,” they’ll say. While actually adding water…

Taking distributor education online

By Bridget McCrea There was a time when distributor education required travel, days away from work, and classroom time. Individuals were sent out to different locations around the country to…

Fountain of wisdom: How hiring ‘experienced’ em [...]

By Carolyn Heinze Mark Twain once remarked that age, “…is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” One wonders what the great humorist would…

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