Meet the 30 Under 35 With Taylor Kuczek and Calvin Flederbach

2024 Best of the Best Winners: Digital/Social Media

DistributED: An Economic Update With Brian Rooney

2024 30 Under 35 Profile: Maddie Everhardt

NEMA’s general counsel weighs in on counterfeiting in the channel

By Bridget McCrea When someone copycats a legitimate electrical product everyone loses. End users get inferior products and may even get hurt by the counterfeit versions. The original manufacturer and…

New smart grid products you should know about

By Doug Peeples, SGN News Editor Smart grid technologies and products are coming out at seemingly blinding speed as the smart grid changes and adapts. Some are new innovations while…

Find out what you missed at NAED’s 2012 LEAD Conference

Spreading your message across multiple social media sites

By John Lorince To date in these social media columns, we’ve analyzed ways for electrical distributors to take advantage of LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. We’ve received some complimentary feedback on…

Future of leadership: Looking at today’s Millennial manager [...]

By Diane Thielfoldt By 2014, half of all employees in the world will be those born after 1980. That 50% will include many supervisors and managers—more, in fact, than one…

Live blog from NAED’s National Meeting

[<a href=”” data-ektron-url=”” target=”_blank”>View the story “Live from NAED’s National Meeting” on Storify</a>]

Hitting the high points: What manufacturers love about dist [...]

By Bridget McCrea It’s no secret that electrical manufacturers rely heavily on their distribution networks to get the word out about their products, recommend those products for the correct applications,…

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