Exclusive Features

DistributED Podcast: NAED’s 4Q Economic Outlook

NAED’s fourth-quarter Economic and Industry Sector Outlook will be available on October 28.

This 5th issue of the Outlook provides a look at how inflation and supply chain issues are impacting our industry, along with a look at how the first quarter of 2022 is looking at this time.

The Outlook has a new look this quarter, which makes it easier to find the forecasts and has an improved Executive Summary.

For a preview of what to expect, and how you can get additional insight, NAED’s Research and Data analyst Erin Prinster joined the “DistributED with tED magazine” podcast.

If you are interested in subscribing to the NAED Economic and Industry Sector Outlook, you can get more information at www.naed.org/outlook.


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