
Distributors, Manufacturers React to AD, IMARK Intent to Merge

Distributors, Manufacturers React to AD, IMARK Intent to Merge

tED magazine reached out to multiple manufacturers and independent distributors for their reactions to the announcement that AD and IMARK have signed an agreement to merge later this year.


Bill Elliott, Founder and Chair, Elliott Electric Supply

“We agree with the combination of the two organizations. It will reduce the cost to manage the business. It will be a significant benefit to our manufacturer members by reducing their cost to manage programs including reducing the number of meetings. Hopefully, that can be reflected in a more profitable relationship. It will eliminate competition between the two groups, expand access to other trade groups, and offer additional services beyond what is offered by IMARK. It creates the largest purchasing group in our industry. There are differences in the way the two organizations operate. We will judge the effectiveness of those changes as we move into this new relationship.”


Greg Schaedler, Chief Executive Officer, Schaedler-Yesco Distribution

“As one of the founding members of AD, we have experienced firsthand the tremendous value and growth AD has provided to SYD over the past 40+ years. This merger reinforces the commitment to independent distribution from both AD and IMARK and we are excited about what their combined future will bring!”


John Hanna, President and COO, Fromm Electric and Chair of AD’s Electrical Board

“If you look at the landscape, putting two world-class organizations together is always a good idea. It gives our members and suppliers the opportunity to streamline their costs. Combining all of the great ideas from both organizations will create a stronger organization for independent distributors. This is a seismic shift of combining two major organizations.”



Brock Klein, Director of Sales and Marketing, Electri-Flex

“Electri-Flex and the Kinander Family view this merger as a great opportunity for the industry and independents. AD and IMARK have great distributor members and have been a key part of the growth of the Electrical Channel. This is a great opportunity for independent distributors to become more unified and stronger. Electri-Flex has been with both groups since the beginning as charter suppliers and has seen firsthand the value both have brought over the years We are excited to see what the future holds with one unified Independent Buying Group.”


Franklin (Sully) Sullivan, Senior Vice-President, Channel Strategy and Execution, ABB Electrification Business

“We are in an unprecedented moment in time for the Electrification industry. As ABB is a significant partner to both AD and Imark, we are confident that the combination of services and support from this merger will create significant value in this rapidly growing market.”


Chris York, Head of Channel Management, Siemens

We are excited to see AD and IMARK come together to form a powerhouse organization for independent electrical distribution.  We are confident that the synergies will create enhanced value for manufacturers and distributors alike.


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