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D+R International Continues Lighting Facts Program

On Wednesday, May 2, D+R International sent tED magazine the following announcement that it sent to manufacturers, testing labs, retailers and distributors.

LED Lighting Facts will resume acceptance of LED lighting products today, under the direction of D+R International, the implementer of the program since its inception. The simple “truth-in-advertising” labeling program provides consumers with the assurance that the performance of their LED lighting products has been independently verified and that they have an easy in-store and online tool to compare LED lighting products and manufacturers.

What does this mean:

  • Continued free access to the website and searchable product database.
  • Continued commitment to “Just the Facts” about LED lighting products, independently verified, with no pre-set performance requirements, allowing you to filter your own searches.
  • Welcoming back LED lamps—for all new product listing and labels, as well as searchable on the product database!
  •  All products listed and labeled, as well as the listing as an Approved Lab, will continue to be free during May. In June, we will introduce a flexible and affordable product listing maintenance subscription service that includes options for monthly or annual payment plans, as well as a nominal annual fee for accredited testing lab facilities to participate on the Approved Lab list.
  • Continued commitment to maintaining ease-of-use, high level of accuracy, and listening to your needs!
This is just the beginning…new features and options that add value for everyone who interacts with the program will build on the foundation of the current program:
  • expedited product listing
  • special QR code on the product label that ties the label directly to verified website listing
  • manufacturer/testing lab profiles
  • product ad banners

There are reports that the  Department of Energy ended the Lighting Facts program on Monday, April 30 due to budget cuts and restrictions.  The official DoE statement is, “the program achieved its original objectives with significant success.”  tED magazine reported how the LED lighting market was described as “The Wild West” because of frequent mistakes about product performance.

D+R International included in the announcement that there are probably companies that have questions about the future of the program.  You can e-mail D+R at and they are promising to have a response to you within a day.

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