
Jo-Kell collects thousands in food, funds for local charities

Electrical distribution and engineering company Jo-Kell, Inc. collected nearly $6,000 and 5,000 pounds of food during the company’s annual food and fund drive. The annual drive began on Oct. 3, 2011 and ended with an employee appreciation event hosted by Jo-Kell owners Suzy and Marty Kelly on Nov. 11

The company delivered the collected food to a local radio station’s “Mayflower Marathon” food drive event. The donations were then taken to the Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia.

On Jan. 6, Suzy Kelly, Jo-Kell’s CEO, also presented a check for $6,000 to St. Mary’s Home for Disabled Children. Jo-Kell matched the donations its 58 employees made to get to the final donation amount of $6,000. According to a company news release, St. Mary’s Home for Disabled Children is, “the only pediatric long-term care residential facility of its kind in Virginia for children with severe disabilities.”

Pictured: Jo-Kell Inc. CEO, Suzy Kelly and St. Mary’s Home for Disabled Children CEO, Bill Giermak

“Our employees continue to demonstrate their generosity to others in need, even in these difficult economic times,” said Suzy Kelly.

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