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Legrand Ranks 9th in CAC40 Positivity Index

This corporate positivity index analyzes the ability of companies to place altruism and the interests of future generations among their core priorities and aims to acknowledge not only short-term results but also long-term performance. It places significant importance on existing achievements, assessing developments over the previous five years, as well as on the capacity to project into the future via practical improvement targets.

The company positivity index comprises 5 dimensions:

  • Nurturing positive working conditions, a key factor of well-being for employees’ families and therefore for future generations;
  • Promoting the positive sharing of value produced by the company, so as to guarantee inclusive growth for future generations;
  • Reducing both the direct and indirect impact of activities, to achieve a positive environmental footprint in terms of the health and well-being of future generations;
  • Developing awareness of individual and collective skills (training and research) to ensure positive progress for future generations;
  • Defining and sharing a positive long-term strategy that engages all company stakeholders, including future generations.

This recognition reflects the importance Legrand attaches to developing its activities in accordance with extra-financial criteria of social and environmental responsibility, placing people and their environment at the heart of its strategy.

* Through its platform, Positive Economy Advocacy, the Positive Planet Foundation develops programs for the promotion of a “positive” economy, i.e. an approach to economic affairs that acknowledges the interests of future generations.

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