Exclusive Features

Let’s Discuss: Asserting Our Value, Part II

Guest blog by Tom Naber, NAED president & CEO

A few weeks ago, I took to this space to discuss the value http://www.naed.org/Media/Presidents_Blog/NAED_President_Blog/Asserting_Our_Value/”>electrical distributors bring to the supply chain. Since then, I’ve heard quite a few comments from members about the need to continue this discussion.

The http://www.linkedin.com/groups?mostPopular=&gid=1920118″>tED Think Tank on Linked-In has also received this topic enthusiastically. If you’re not a member of this group, you should be. With more than 2,100 members strong, it’s a great forum for keep up with trends and thinking within our industry — and even sound off on your own ideas.

To me, the Think Tank’s lively debate is indicative of a deeper need for the industry to come together, explore ways we can overcome “middle-man misconceptions” and drive home our value assertions.

So let’s have an open discussion. In real time. At a place that’s convenient for anyone with an Internet connection. Let’s say August 8, at 10 a.m. on Twitter.

We’ve set that date for http://www.tedmag.com/”>tEDmag.com‘s first Twitter chat, and I hope you use this opportunity to listen and chime in using our hashtag #tEDChat.

Send us your questions on this debate in advance, and we’ll bring them up during the tEDChat. Submit them in the comments below or through any of our http://www.naed.org/Media/Social_Media/”>social media channels.

Because this is our industry’s first official Twitter chat, questions are expected. Share them with us, http://www.forbes.com/sites/julietbarbara/2012/02/19/how-twitter-chats-will-open-your-mind-and-network/”>read up on http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2012-06-27/features/ct-tribu-twitter-chat-20120627_1_twitter-chat-twitter-accounts-hashtag”>Twitter chats, and see the below tips for getting started after you’ve set up your Twitter profile. See you on 8/8!

  • Plan Ahead: Once the ball gets rolling, a Twitter chat can move pretty fast. Jot down any ideas or questions you have before the discussion so you’re sure to bring them up.
  • Follow and Listen: Follow the moderator, @tEDMagazine and click on the hashtag #tEDChat within a tweet to see all the tweets of everyone participating in the discussion. You can also search for “#tEDChat” on Twitter to see everything said during the chat.
  • Get involved: Ask questions and share your thoughts, including #tED chat at the end of each tweet so it’s included in the discussion for everyone else to see.
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