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Nora Lighting’s Jilla Farzan Honored at Lightovation

Nora Lighting’s Jilla Farzan Honored at Lightovation

COMMERCE, Calif. — Nora Lighting Executive Vice President and Founder Jilla Farzan was presented with the American Lighting Association’s Women in Lighting Leadership Award at an industry reception during Lightovation 2020 in Dallas, Texas.

Farzan, who founded Nora Lighting in 1989, was presented the award by Kellee Hollenback, co-chair of the Women in Lighting Committee, which selected the honoree from a field of industry candidates.

“The Leadership Award recognizes a woman in the lighting industry for her overall career accomplishments,” said Laura van Zeyl, co-chair of the Women in Lighting Committee and vice president of Dallas Market Center Lighting Technology Development and Marketing.

“Jilla Farzan was able to grow a business as a female leader at a time when that was not seen as an asset,” said van Zeyl. “The milestone of Nora’s recent 30th anniversary seemed like the right time to recognize the progress made by Nora with Jilla at the helm.”

The Leadership Award came as a complete surprise to Farzan. Her name had been put forward by Martha Graham, a member of the Women in Lighting Committee, and owner of Martha Graham and Associates, a lighting sales firm in Sarasota, Florida.

The ALA Committee recognized Farzan’s 30 years of dedication and her commitment to service, including mentoring women in the lighting industry; active participation and support of the American Lighting Association; and involvement in the local community through philanthropic efforts.

“Nora could never have accomplished so much without the support of our customers, reps and a dedicated staff,” says Jilla. “We realize how truly fortunate we have been to be able to begin our lives again in the United States, where we found opportunities we could only dream about.”

“That’s why it is so important for all of us to give back to our communities and we are glad to support programs that provide shelter and promise to hard-working individuals,” she said. “We hope we can help ‘light their way’ to a better life too.”

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