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Osram Named to List of 20 Most Sustainable Companies

Osram Named to List of 20 Most Sustainable Companies

Environmental protection and sustainable management are two of the dominant topics of the World Economic Forum in Davos. The most sustainable companies in the world are awarded every year by the Canadian research company Corporate Knights. Osram made it as the most sustainable company in Germany to the worldwide top 20. The high-tech company is thus underlining its sustainability performance of recent years. Osram is also publishing its sustainability report for fiscal year 2019 on its current activities.

For the second time in a row, Osram made it into the “Global 100 Index”, as Corporate Knights calls its ranking of the 100 most sustainable companies worldwide. Osram is at the top of the most sustainable companies in Germany. In total, only five German companies made it to the ranking. Among the 7,400 companies evaluated worldwide, Osram is in the eleventh position.

In Davos, Osram also can look forward to the award as the most sustainable lighting manufacturer in the world. The World Finance Magazine honored the photonics champion with the World Finance Sustainability Award.

The awards that Osram receives at the World Economic Forum are not without reason. The company is strongly committed to transparency regarding its sustainability activities and therefore publishes a detailed sustainability report every year. The focus of the report published is on management and progress on all key issues for which Osram takes responsibility within its own activities and in its value chain. The importance Osram gives to sustainable business is also demonstrated by the goal it set for itself in December 2019 to achieve climate neutrality in its business activities by 2030.

You can find the sustainability report and the sustainability magazine at

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