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Signify Suspends Business In Ukraine Amid War

Signify Suspends Business In Ukraine Amid War

Signify issued the following statement on the war in Ukraine:

At Signify, we value peace, unity and humanity above all else. We unequivocally condemn the devastating war in Ukraine and are extremely concerned and saddened at the loss of life and the impact on the civilian population.

Our businesses have been discontinued in Ukraine and our absolute priority is to support our Signify teams and their families. We are keeping in daily contact with all our employees in Ukraine and monitoring their safety conditions. We are providing unrestricted financial support to our Ukraine employees and their families, based on individual circumstances. We are also supporting our Ukrainian colleagues in Poland and Hungary, many of whom are seeking to reunite with their families. We are deeply moved by the support given by employees of Signify Poland to organize transfers, food and accommodation for people arriving at the Ukrainian/Polish border. These colleagues are establishing a dedicated fund to support Ukrainian employees and their families living in Poland. This is an illustration of our values and strong culture of support and togetherness.

The Signify Foundation is simultaneously working with the UN Refugee Agency, United Nations Population Fund, GlobalMedic, and the Philips Foundation to identify the lighting needs for relief and assistance inside and outside Ukraine.

This humanitarian issue will inevitably evolve into a developmental challenge. Signify is committed to supporting a sustainable recovery in Ukraine and neighboring countries. Our hearts are with Ukraine and the millions of people whose lives are affected by this tragedy. We will continue to stand shoulder to shoulder and give them support in any way we can, now and in the future.

After many decades of presence in Russia, it is very important for us to monitor the situation as it relates to our employees and customers there. As a global organization, we are currently reviewing the implications of the recently announced sanctions and are strictly complying with them fully.

Signify employs almost 37,000 people of 96 nationalities. Our people all around the world are and will remain unified and united in the face of this appalling situation.

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