
tED Twitter Chat Returns September 9th

Starting September 9th, tED magazine and are pleased to announce the return of the monthly tED magazine Twitter Chat.

At a time when we are facing a wide variety of issues in this industry, from mergers and acquisitions to the threat to the supply chain by Google and Amazon to managing different generations to planning for the future of your company, the tED magazine Twitter chat is a way for you to be involved in essential conversations without having to travel or spend money on meetings

A tED magazine Twitter Chat will be held every second Monday of the month at 10am Central time.  tED magazine will supply experts on each subject, and allow you to ask questions or just be involved in the conversations.  All you have to do is follow @tEDmagazine on Twitter  and the hashtag #tEDChat . 

The first topic of discussion is on disaster planning.  September is the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s National Preparedness Month.  Also,  it is a time of the year where severe weather like tornadoes and hurricanes are still a potential.  It is also a good time to prepare for the winter months ahead of us.  tED magazine is lining up an expert to moderate the online conversation.

To prepare for the tED magazine Twitter Chat, we ask the following:

Consider Your Tool: Try out a tool like Tweetchat, which helps you see only the tweets with your hashtag. It also automatically includes your hashtag at the end of your tweets. Here’s more about chat tools (along with an extensive list of other chats). Such tools are optional but can make participation easier.

Plan Ahead: Once the ball gets rolling, a Twitter chat can move pretty fast. Jot down any ideas or questions you have before the discussion so you’re sure to bring them up.

Follow and Listen: Follow the moderator, @tEDMagazine and click on the hashtag #tEDChat within a tweet to see all the tweets of everyone participating in the discussion. You can also search for “#tEDChat” on Twitter to see everything said during the chat.

Get involved: Ask questions and share your thoughts, and include #tEDchat at the end of each tweet so it’s included in the discussion for everyone else to see.



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