Employees and their families from The Hite Company’s Altoona and Corporate locations recently assisted the Mountain Lion Backpack program with assembling holiday backpacks for children who are enrolled in this very worthwhile project.
The Mountain Lion BackPack Program has been serving elementary students in the Altoona Area School District by providing weekend meals for students who are referred into the program and who might otherwise go without food due to other food sources not being readily available to them. Teachers in the school district were noticing that many students were arriving at school on Mondays feeling weak, fatigued, and not able to focus due to not having adequate food over the weekend. With the support of the local food bank, grants, and the community, Mountain Lion BackPacks took on the initiative of making sure necessary meals were provided for these students. The program, which runs for 32 weeks from October through May, is in its third year serving the Altoona community and currently assists 350 students.
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