Former IMARK President and CEO Bob Smith introduced John Hoffman, Executive Vice-President, Sales and Demand Creation for Legrand North America, as this year’s Associate Service Award recipient. Smith explained how he and Hoffman became business partners first, and then friends, while Hoffman retraced his path to success that started as a boat salesman.
Matthew Geekie, Senior Vice-President, Secretary and General Counsel for Graybar introduced David Maxwell, Senior Vice-President of Sales for Graybar, to receive the Distributor Distinguished Service Award. Maxwell talked about the people who make up this supply chain is what makes it special, and that he’s extremely proud to be a part of it.
Previous videos from the NAED National Meeting include:
Trailblazer Award
Chair Gavel Handoff
Panel–Digital Needs
NAED General Session Kickoff
Larry Stern Receives The Arthur Hooper Award
Foundation Panel
Industry Award of Merit and Associate Service Award
Tagged with awards, NAED, naed national meeting