2024 30 Under 35 Profile: Robert Domlewski

Meet the 30 Under 35 With Taylor Kuczek and Calvin Flederbach

2024 Best of the Best Winners: Digital/Social Media

DistributED: An Economic Update With Brian Rooney

6 Ways Your Distributorship Can Stand Out Online

By Bridget McCrea Standing out on the web is an ongoing challenge for electrical distributors that are dealing with a growing number of online discount houses, bricks-and-mortar competitors, price-conscious shoppers,…

Contractor’s Corner: It’s Not Easy Being Green

Since there was a lot of good feedback on both sides of the fence regarding the lighting rep column, I thought it would be good to write another controversial column.…

How Do Electrical Contractors Learn About New Products?

By Bridget McCrea In the electrical distribution world, everyone seems to have a different opinion about how new product introductions are – and should be – handled. For How Good…

Contractors Speak Up: Regional vs. National Suppliers

By Bridget McCrea For the most part, Michael Duffield is pretty happy with the products and services that Apopka, Fla.-based Greenway Electrical Services, LLC, receives from the electrical distributors that…

Amazon: Friend or Foe?

By Jack Keough While most distributors are watching with a wary eye the entrance of AmazonSupply.com into the industrial marketplace, one industry expert says distributors can actually benefit from the…

The Value-Added Distributor Series: 5 Ways Sales Reps are L [...]

By Bridget McCrea 5 Ways Sales Reps are Like Soldiers In Six Common Sales Myths: #1 “A Sales Person’s Job is Just to Sell”, Jerry Vieira of The QMP Group,…

The Value-Added Distributor Series: Creating the Optimal Upsell

By Bridget McCrea Joe Martin sees real value in the additional services and products that his electrical distributors offer outside of their typical product lineups. As vice president at KenMor…

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