Exclusive Features

What We’ve Learned From the tED magazine 30 Under 35, Pt 3

What We’ve Learned From the tED magazine 30 Under 35, Pt 3

Over the past 7 months, the “DistributED with tED magazine” interviewed the 2022 tED magazine “30 Under 35” award winners to find out more about who they are, but most importantly, how they will shape our supply chain now and in the future.

In part one of this three-part series, we learned how the tED magazine “30 Under 35” view hiring, retention, and training.

In part two, we learned about culture, DEI, and the digital future.

And now in part 3, we learn more about the value of mentoring and NAED’s LEAD Conference.



Tyler Ihry, Border States
“Border States does a really good job of suggesting mentoring, but you also need to have the drive to within yourself to want to be mentored and to seek it out yourself. Look at people who are in people who are in positions you want to be in. Or look at people who possess skills that you don’t have. I know that I have weaknesses that other people have strength in, and those are the people that I want to ask questions of. Walking up to a person and say, ‘I am not good at this, and you are really good at it.”

Tiffany Schroeder, Werner Electric
“We look at high potential employees and how to partner them with other leaders within the business. I was a mentee, and I thought it was extremely valuable to have another leader and get to know them on a personal level, seeing what their experiences were, and to get a perspective on a personal level of another leader. You feel like you have the relationships, and you can get direction from people you can trust.”


The Value of NAED’s LEAD Conference

Mike Ofak, Schaedler Yesco
“I like that they kinda forced us to get into roundtables with people who have similar titles and people who have different ones. And then years later you meet up with those new people you met, and you are building relationships. I met one or two people. And then you meet a couple of people they are hanging out with. It’s very welcoming and inclusive.”

Brayan Garcia, Siemens
“This is a great opportunity to share knowledge with all of these difference sources of tips and industry knowledge all in one place. That all helps.”

Jacob Gerstenberg, NorthEast Electrical
“I am really excited just to meet people COVID slowed down the travel when I first started, and I am looking forward to putting faces to names.”

“Getting together with other industry professionals was excellent. I loved the collaboration and I tried to stick by meeting people I don’t know. It would have been really easy for me to magnetize to the Border States people because there was a decent amount of them there, but at the end of the day I tried to sit with people I didn’t know. And that was great I really met a lot of great people across the industry.”

Amanda White, Siemens
“The attendees that are here, I am looking forward to seeing who is here and doing the networking.”


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