Business Blast: Email is a Contract

Business Blast: The 5- To 7-Year Run

DistributED: The David White Exit Interview, Part 2

DistributED: The David White Exit Interview, Part 1

Copper – In Wait and See Mode

By Jim Williams Copper investors—actually, investors across all markets—appear to be trading lightly this week as they wait to hear what Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen has to say in…

Sharpening Your E-Commerce Strategy

By Bridget McCrea It's time to pump up those single-digit e-commerce sales numbers and make a bigger impact online. If it feels like large e-tailers and national distributors have a…

Amazon Business Vs. Large Distributors—What’s the Threat?


Amazon Business hasn't conquered the electrical supply business yet, but it may be there soon if large distributors don't step up to the plate now.

What is Amazon’s Obsession with Electrical Supply?


A look at why the e-tailing giant is actively claiming market share in the electrical distribution space with its Amazon Business division.

How Much are Those Empty Seats Costing Your Distributorship?

By Bridget McCrea Sometimes it's easier and cheaper to overload an existing employee than to hire a new one—but is there a price to pay for this approach? With 1.2…

How Sharp are Your Distributorship’s Recruiting Skills?

By Bridget McCrea If it feels like good job candidates are getting harder and harder to come by, you're not hallucinating. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics' (BLS) most recent…

tED Talks Copper with Rick Rule

By Jim Williams This week's article on copper is a little different. Instead of talking about current prices, we are going a little deeper. Okay, a lot deeper. In fact,…

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