Meet the 30 Under 35 With Taylor Kuczek and Calvin Flederbach

2024 Best of the Best Winners: Digital/Social Media

DistributED: An Economic Update With Brian Rooney

2024 30 Under 35 Profile: Maddie Everhardt

Marketing Momentum: It Isn’t Easy Being Funny

By Katrina Olson Comedy is hard. Even the best comedians sometimes fall flat on their faces. And sometimes even the most seemingly innocuous jokes or stories offend someone. That’s why…

LED Myths, Part I

By Stan Walerczyk Hopefully you already understand some very important facts about LEDs and LED products, but there are several myths that some distributors and contractors take as truth, when…

And Just Like That, The Need For Innovation Becomes More Urgent

By Scott Costa, Publisher, tED magazine True story.  I am driving to work this week, and the morning radio guys are talking about the fact that the station has bought…

Copper Update: Recapping Recent Roller Coaster

by Jim Williams Copper prices fell 0.62 per cent in overnight futures trading as speculation centered on a weak trend at domestic spot market on low demand. Meanwhile, copper for…

Advanced B2B Meeting Prep, Part I

By Bridget McCrea With the NAED national meeting right around the corner (May 16-19 at the Hyatt Regency Chicago), now is the time to start shoring up your company’s business-to-business…

Marketing Momentum: Make Your Content Easy to Scan and Understand

By Katrina Olson We’ve been exploring ways to get your target audiences to pay attention to your marketing content. You may recall points two and three from Marketing Momentum of…

Combating Diminishing Returns

By Stan Walerczyk As a follow up to this article, we will discuss new information on soft savings to help end-customers approve lighting retrofit projects, even if the hard savings,…

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