2024 Best of the Best Winners: Digital/Social Media

DistributED: An Economic Update With Brian Rooney

2024 30 Under 35 Profile: Maddie Everhardt

Meet The 30 Under 35 With Bill Turner and Nick Rhomberg

Selling wireless technology: Opportunity knocks at distribu [...]

By Bridget McCrea Electrical distribution has historically been a largely “wired” arena, with the bulk of the products sold involving some type of wiring and installation. With wireless technology evolving…

Integrated Balance of System solution: The next solar cost [...]

By Phil Winters As PV modules decline in price, the focus on cost savings increasingly turns to the Balance of Systems (BOS). Though material costs of BOS continue to rise…

Get ready for Taxmageddon

By Ed Orlet According to the Washington Post’s Ezra Klein, there’s a new word in the Capitol Hill lexicon: Taxmageddon. At the end of 2012, a number of tax provisions…

Six tips for selling solar

By Bridget McCrea It’s been about 18 months since Granite Electrical Supply in Sacramento made its first foray into the solar business. It seemed that more end users were asking…

Gross Electric seeks growth on numerous fronts

Gross Electric of Toledo, Ohio has moved on many fronts lately, including four significant efforts to expand the distribution company’s image, its business, and the traffic into its 5,000 square-foot…

Social media: Getting ‘LinkedIn’ with customers, companies

By John Lorince Can social media—Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, among others—be an asset to electrical distributors? Many of you are skeptical, perhaps thinking, “Twitter? Half the comments are about how long…

Vote in our Facebook poll!

We want to know…Which smartphone operating system do you currently use? Vote in the Facebook poll! According to the results of NAED’s recent Technology Benchmarking Survey, an overwhelming 46% of…

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