
The “We Supply America” Tour Pulls Into Schaedler Yesco

The “We Supply America” Tour Pulls Into Schaedler Yesco

When your day starts with “There’s so much good in these four walls,” there’s a strong chance you are about to have a productive day.

Such was the case as Dirk Beveridge pulled his “We Supply America” RV into the parking lot at Schaedler Yesco’s headquarters in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania on August 8.

As a repeat winner of “Best Place To Work” awards, Schaedler Yesco employs almost 500 people across its 27 locations. Its commitment to its culture started more than 20 years ago.

“It’s all about the people. They make us what we are today,” Greg Schaedler, CEO of Schaedler Yesco, told Beveridge. “It’s about balance with growth and people. We make sure we are taking care of everyone. We work on making better people.”

That could not be more obvious during the lunch meeting the entire staff had with Beveridge. While Beveridge explained his mission for the “We Supply America” tour, he talked about the “force for good”, and the value every employee provides not only to the company but to the country. Then he asked the group of about 75 people to give him one word that describes working at Schaedler Yesco. One voice came from the back.


Beveridge describes the opportunity of working in distribution as “It’s all about freedom. Freedom for employees to do what they want to do and achieve what they want to achieve.” Beveridge toured both the inside offices and took an extended tour of the warehouse, stopping to talk with employees about what they do, how long they have worked there, and what they get back from working at an independent distributor. One employee told Beveridge he joined Schaedler Yesco at age 55, following a long career with a nationally-known metals company. In the 16 years that he has been with Schaedler Yesco, he says his family has recognized he’s a different person, and he is enjoying the balance of both work and his personal life.

“We’ve heard plenty of stories from people who came from other companies and their families recognize that they are a different person since starting here,” Schaedler told Beveridge.

“There’s an intentionality to what we do,” Farrah Mittel, President of Schaedler Yesco told Beveridge. “You know who you are and what we stand for. And we drive conversations around that. Our team exhibited true resilience during and after COVID, and that is exhibited in making this a great place to work.  We have a lot of team members who are committed. This is a small business, and knowing everyone by name is important.”

One of those commitments is on the front door of Schaedler Yesco’s office. On one side, it says “Work Hard”. On the other, “Go Home Happy”.

“You walk in happy, you need to walk out that way,” Mittel explained.

Deep inside that culture remains an initiative to continue growing, and Schaedler Yesco sees the future. “We’re investing in growth. Mainly digital solutions and new services, because it’s necessary,” Mittel explained. “We are introducing new tools and work processes we are changing, but we are adjusting to new routines.”

“It’s about balance with growth and people to make sure you are taking care of everyone,” Schaedler added.

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